The Monday Evening Book Club will meet in the library program room on November 9th at 7 pm. This month we'll discuss Reading by Lightning by Joan Thomas.
Click here for more information about this book.
The Seniors Book Club selection for this month is Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet by Jamie Ford. We will meet in the 2nd floor Training Room on November 18th at 2 pm.

Here is a synopsis:
"Fifth-grade scholarship students and best friends Henry and Keiko are the only Asians in their Seattle elementary school in 1942. Henry is Chinese, Keiko is Japanese, and Pearl Harbor has made all Asians-even those who are American born-targets for abuse. Because Henry's nationalistic father has a deep-seated hatred for Japan, Henry keeps his friendship with and eventual love for Keiko a secret. When Keiko's family is sent to an internment camp in Idaho, Henry vows to wait for her. Forty years later, Henry comes upon an old hotel where the belongings of dozens of displaced Japanese families have turned up in the basement, and his love for Keiko is reborn. In his first novel, award-winning short-story writer Ford expertly nails the sweet innocence of first love, the cruelty of racism, the blindness of patriotism, the astonishing unknowns between parents and their children, and the sadness and satisfaction at the end of a life well lived. The result is a vivid picture of a confusing and critical time in American history." - Library Journal
Check out Jamie Ford's website here.
Click here for more information on the history of Japanese Internment in the United States and Canada.
Information on the evacuation of Japanese Americans from Seattle (with pictures) in 1942.
Information about the real-life "Camp Harmony".
A Youtube clip about the history behind the book narrated by Jamie Ford. (7:15 min.)
Youtube video: Japanese Relocation - U.S. Government Explanation 1942 (Japanese Internment Camps) (9 min.)
Youtube video: Japanese Internment in Canada (5:55 min.)
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